8 Most Dangerous Human Activities That Harm The Environment
Balance is the most important factor when defining the word "nature". Each and every components and resources lies under a balanced condition. Any small change in those components will induce an imbalance in whole system of nature. Intolerable condition leads to natural hazards!
Here we are going to discuss about 8 most dangerous human activities that harm the precious environment. Mankind is exploiting the nature for his profit. If he is continuing his cruel exploitation of nature mankind as well as all other living organisms on earth will disappear.
Human Activities that harm the environment
- Deforestation
- Extreme level of carbon emission
- Over exploitation of minerals and resources
- Stone Mining
- Sand Mining
- Paddy field filling
- Hill leveling
- Over use of plastics
1. Deforestation
We have lost more than 90 percent of forest area since 1900. Man exploits Earth's forest cover for woods, buildings, land and other resources. Deforestation due to natural hazards and forest fires are termed as natural deforestation. Forest is one of the most significant factor in natural balance. Read more about impacts of deforestation.
2. Extreme level of carbon emission
We are largely relies on petroleum based fuels for our energy needs. Even though renewable sources of energy has been gaining more and more attention, there is no reduction in interest on petroleum based fuels. It is because of the high energy density of traditional energy sources. We know that availability of petroleum fuels are decreasing and the technology world is experimenting with renewable energy sources for sustainable energy. Burning of carbon based fuels (petroleum and coal) releases a large amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide causes global warming and several other environmental issues. Read more about global warning!
3. Over exploitation of Minerals and Resources
We should remember that, the nature and its resources are not only for human kind but also for other living organisms. Due to the selfishness we are exploiting the nature up to maximum possible. Such an over exploitation would lead to natural imbalance. Read more about effect of over exploitation of minerals and resources.
4. Stone mining
Stone is one of the main building material. There are several types of stones that can be mined from the earth. (Example: red stone, black stone) It is sure that uncontrolled stone mining would effect the balance of earth. Think a while when mining the heart of earth.
5. Sand mining
Over extraction of sand would kill rivers. Sand mining from coastal areas would reduce land area.
6. Hill leveling
Hill leveling would affect under water level destruction of habitats
7. Wet land/ Paddy field filling
Filling of fields to construct buildings and houses would leads to future water scarcity. Fields are resources of water. We have to
maintain those precious areas.
8. Use of plastic covers
Waste plastic covers deposited on the top layer of earth would reduce the water absorption capacity of the soil. It will alter the chemistry of the soil as well as under water level. So we have to use degradable materials instead of plastics.
What are you thinking now? Did you ever think about the effect of these dangerous human activities? Comment your opinion if you love your Earth?
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