Can You Turn Energy into Matter?
According to Albert Einstein, one of the famous scientists who derived the equation for mass-energy conversion said that, it is possible to convert Matter into Energy. We know that nuclear power generation is concerned with the conversion of mass or matter into energy. A very large amount of energy can be liberated from the matter according to Einstein's Energy equation. E=mc2 Where m is the mass and c is the speed of light in vacuum. This equation is known to everyone who studied physics. But some months ago when I was checking the statistics of the traffic to my website I found a search query that made my mind unstable (Search query: The title of this article). I really appreciate that googler. Suddenly I called my Physics teacher (Mr. Jobish John) to ask about the Energy-Mass Conversion . He guide me through the correct way to understand the energy-mass conversion. (Thank you sir!) Is it possible to convert Energy to Mass? The Large Hadron Collider/ATLAS at CERN by Image Editor,...